How about the club Net?

Year to Date Net Metrics 2020 - 2021

Year to Date Net Metrics 2020 - 2021

As most of you know, the participation level in our Thursday Evening Net increased dramatically in March of 2020. This coincided exactly with the beginning of the COVID lockdown. Your Net Team responded quickly to simplify the check-in process. For any station that had previously participated by checking into the NSRC net, going forward only need to provide their call sign. This enabled us to dramatically reduce the time needed to handle the increased number of stations. 

The graphic above will be updated quarterly over the next year, showing the comparison of 2020 to 2021 year-to-date. We are pleased to see that increased participation and glad we could adjust to accommodate the increased number of stations.  Notice the dramatic increase from March 2020 has held at that high level through the first quarter of 2021.  

As the clubs Net Director, I would like to acknowledge and thank the following members who have made this possible: Warren KC9IL for developing the prototype in 2019. Tami, KD9IXB for making enhancements to this system in 2020, and finally to Tami and Cary, KD9ITO, for being our loggers also known as “the wizards behind the curtain” each and every Thursday night assisting the Net Control Station. And to each of you reading this article who have supported the weekly net by checking in.

As a reminder, the Net is open to the public and meets every Thursday evening at 8:00 pm on our analog UHF repeater (442.725+  PL 114.8).

Mark Klocksin, Net Director

Rob Orr