August, 2023 Blog

Well, the months seem to be flying by with summer in full swing. Time to think about upcoming events like QRP Night in Skokie and the opening of registration for the Chicago Marathon in October. I have included a message from our past President, Rob Orr to help our members register for this great Event. Our club has always had great participation and I hope all of our new members will consider registering and participating in this year’s event.

And since this is past our halfway point in the year, it is time once again to consider being part of our Board of Directors. A nominating committee is being formed to solicit nominations for various vacancies on the Board. We hope to attract members who want to become more involved in the day to day decisions and running of our club. With over 250 members, there are lots of ways to become more active and continue to bring top notch programs and activities to all of our membership. If you would like to be considered for a position on the Board, please let me know so your name can be vetted and placed in nomination for our annual elections in December.

Hopefully you are getting outside to practice POTA, SOTA or other fresh air activities such as Hams in the Park before the cold winds of Chicago blow in. This year and next appear to be the best of our propagation cycle and a great time to add exotic locations to your lists of contacts.

Below is the message sent from Rob Orr to our membership to sign up for the Chicago Marathon event:

The roster is still open to be part of the ham radio support team for the 2023 Bank of America Chicago Marathon.  To get on the roster all you need do is pull up the Google form link below and sign up. We will follow up with more details.  This is our 15th year serving this event and our work has been recognized by the organizers and several observing agencies for our professionalism and contributions. This is a great way for the public to see ham radio in action and to serve the 45,000 runners. It is fun to be part of a huge, city wide event.  We provide health and welfare traffic for the runner and we serve the 3000 medical volunteers.

Join us. Hit this link!

2023 Ham Radio Chicago Marathon Com Team Register

Your volunteer leads,

Rob Orr, K9RST
Jeff VanBuren, KD9IPG
Jerry Watts, K9LOT

Burt KR9T

Rob Orr