September, 2023 Blog

As summer is slowly coming to a close I hope all of our membership is actively getting out to do Hams in the Park, QRP Night, POTA and other outdoor adventures. Band conditions have been pretty good during this cycle and this is the best time to add those contacts you have been looking for. Fall is also a good time to get outdoors and inspect your antennas, feedlines, and connections to make sure they will withstand Mother Nature’s winter onslaught.

With Field Day (FD) 2023 already in the books, and with the lessons learned from this iteration, we are already planning next year’s outing at Clarkson Park in Northfield for FD 2024. It would be great to see more club members active in this activity since this is our “premier event” for our club and we invest a lot of time and resources into it to assure it’s success. If you would like to get more involved in this coming year, please contact Marty Boroff, WD9GYM for details.

And speaking of club involvement, this year’s nominating committee has already been formed to find individuals willing to serve on our Board of Directors. With two key vacancies to fill (President and Vice President) the future direction and leadership of the club rests in your hands. If you have an interest in contributing, giving back to our club by volunteering some of your time, you can help shape the projects, programs, public service delivery, and fun for all of our members. Remember the adage: “If not you, then who” and please consider stepping up to help guide our club toward the future. You can contact me directly and I will put you in touch with the nominating committee to consider your interest. We are also looking for a few adjunct members to assist the Board I carrying out it’s responsibility.

Finally, I would like to thanks each of our Board Members for their dedicated service to our club. Day in an day out they do our club proud and have helped us grow to be one of the largest ham clubs in the Midwest. Thank you.


Burt KR9T

Rob Orr