October, 2023 Blog

Welcome to Fall and all the changes that come with it. Loss of daylight, loss of hot temperatures, and the opportunity to get out and enjoy the moderate temperatures with portable operations before the winter winds blow in.

This is the best time of year to inspect your antenna installations before it becomes too difficult to move around outside. With the leaves falling, antenna lines become more visible in the trees and making sure they are secure can prevent failures during the winter months. So get out and inspect your coax and connectors as well.

Our club is experiencing unprecedented growth due to our efforts to have regular testing each month by our trained VEs at the Northbrook Public Library. In November we have been invited to put out a display of “all things ham radio” at the library in one of their display cases to stay on display for November and December. If you have any objects of interest that you think the public would enjoy viewing, please let me know as we start to assemble our exhibit by contacting me at burt.krain@gmail.com.

Finally, I want to speak to the younger members of our club ( our future leaders) to let them know we need you to step up to consider being on our Board of Directors. You can help us determine the future direction of NS9RC. Even if you don’t want to be on the Board of Directors, we still could use you as members at large to help support the Board in deciding what activities you would like to see us pursue in the future. It is your club and here is your chance to

shape the direction we head in. Please consider contacting the members of the nominating committee to put your name forward.

Enjoy the Fall.


Burt KR9T

Rob Orr